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Real thing in a sentence

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Sentence count:89+1Posted:2019-04-13Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: healthinessstealthinessunhealthinesshealth insurancelateral thinkinglogical thinkinghealthierwealthilyMeaning: n. informal usage attributing authenticity. 
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31. They rarely look anywhere near as good as the real thing, but they will be cheaper, and easier to keep clean.
32. So, when the time comes and you need to replace a part on your Toyota, buy the real thing.
33. So on your beefy splurge night, enjoy the real thing.
34. The fraud is always more menacing than the real thing.
35. Rory was just another one, he'd not stand the comparison either, Parr was the real thing.
36. Such ways and means may be resorted to because the real thing is unavailable, or too expensive, difficult or dangerous.
37. I'd seen pictures of the painting, but it was very different seeing the real thing.
38. I scored much better on the practice test than I did on the real thing.
39. Sure, the real thing ruining this city is the war, no doubt about it.
40. Semi-contact sparring at a martial arts club is an excellent way of simulating the real thing.
41. Now, his songs are intended as the real thing(, but widely assumed to be some sort of parody.
42. He did it so cleverly that you would think it was the real thing - until he burst out laughing.
43. At worst, they become a time-consuming bureaucratic substitute for the real thing.
44. Recorded music will never be as good as listening to the real thing.
45. This is the real thing, it has no need for added colour or flavourings.
46. Except that there in no real thing: it creates illusion.
46. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
47. A tomato-growing experiment on a computer screen is a considerable step away from the real thing.
48. Nature is a kind of poetry for him; an Ecosphere is a book jacket blurb about the real thing.
49. But the parody was mistaken for the real thing, and the songs made the charts.
50. They were stopped and questioned by the police, who thought they were the real thing.
51. How disappointed would you be if you went to a game and they made you watch a video instead of the real thing?
52. Televised instruction is, at best, a useful adjunct to the real thing.
53. But an inner voice tells me that it is not yet the real thing.
54. And though the researchers had suspected all along that these hot springs existed, the real thing had far surpassed their imaginings.
55. We must be aware of this and constantly compare the copy with the real thing to see if it is still valid.
56. It turns out that one is a knockoff, the other, the real thing.
57. Your money would be better spent on quarters for the real thing.
58. Not the real thing, of course, but rather a pandemic of stories about anarchists and conspiracies and such.
59. But some critics claim that re-creations mislead the viewer into thinking he or she is watching a recording of the real thing.
60. All kinds of information informs my attitudes, but I need to verify this by inspecting the real thing very carefully.
More similar words: healthinessstealthinessunhealthinesshealth insurancelateral thinkinglogical thinkinghealthierwealthilyhealthilystealthilyunhealthilyin good healthof all thingsbe in good healthwishful thinkingbreathingall things consideredwealthhealthrebreathingbreathing inwealthystealthhealthythink nothing of itthink nothing ofstealthybreathing roomunhealthywealth tax
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